Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Some Like it Hot the movie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Some Like it Hot the movie - Essay Example This is how the gangster figure maintains his mystique and aura of fear. When Spats Colombo does appear in front of the camera he is extremely well groomed, and has a cold, aloof expression. His name, and his evident desire to keep his white shoes clean, are ironic touches, because they show an obsession with external appearances, while the audience knows that underneath this suave and highly groomed exterior there is a much darker criminal personality. Sugar Kane likewise has a significant name, which in this case emphasizes her sweetness, but when Joe and Jerry meet her, she explains that her real name is Kowalczyk. This shows that she is not all that she appears to be. Her sweetness is real but she exudes a siren power. Even her weakness for alcohol is given a sexual connotation when she takes her flask from her garter, giving the boys, who are dressed as girls, full view of her legs. The film plays with the intimacy of girls sharing private space together, and there is humor in the way that scenes which would be innocent and pure between girls alone together, become piquant and tense when the boys are in drag. In their own specific ways, Spats Columbo and Sugar Kane represent extremes of masculinity and femininity in Prohibition America. The trick of drag acting calls these stereotypes into question and makes the radical point that men and women can find love in the ambiguous space between genders. The film shows that this is a better, and much funnier, way than the traditional confines of gender

Monday, October 28, 2019

Greek Art in Ancient Greece and Faraway Lands Essay Example for Free

Greek Art in Ancient Greece and Faraway Lands Essay The classical period of Greece (490 – 323 B. C. ) saw the artists perfecting their style. Following Alexander’s conquests, ancient Greece entered the Hellenistic period (323 – 31 B. C. ) (â€Å"Timeline of Ancient Greece†). Of course, Alexander the Great was not the only god of the ancient Greek civilization. Ancient Greeks worshipped plenty of gods that were believed to have appeared to them in human form with extraordinary strength and beauty (â€Å"Culture†). Professor Harris describes Euhemerus as the philosopher responsible for presenting Greek myths as simple stories to his readers. Euhemerus’ interpretation of Greek mythology was considered radical in his times. It was he who wrote that Greek gods and goddesses were human beings to begin with. Because of their extraordinary feats or the cultural and/or social value that they added to life in ancient Greece, their ordinary humanity was turned into godhood in the minds of ancient Greeks (Harris). Thus, ancient Greek gods and goddesses were portrayed in painted scenes on stone, vases, and also with bronze and terracotta sculptures for the sake of remembrance. Although many of the ancient Greek temples honored multiple gods and goddesses, certain places showed greater reverence to a sole deity or a pair of gods, e. g. Olympia’s Zeus, and Eleusis’ Demeter and Persephone (â€Å"Culture†). For reasons described above, the ancient Greeks downplayed the divine aspects of their gods by giving them a typically human form, as the example of the Torso of Apollo reveals (See Appendix I). Made in 2nd century AD, the Torso of Apollo of marble shows young Apollo, â€Å"the Greek god of light, music, archery, healing, atonement, prophecy, and flocks and herds† (â€Å"Torso of Apollo†). The figure was popular with both Greeks and ancient Romans. It is an unclothed manifestation of perfection, splendor and courage with Apollo wearing a belt over one of his shoulders to which a case for holding arrows was fastened at his back (â€Å"Torso of Apollo†). By showing the god as distinctly human, the artist inspires into viewers the spirit to take Apollo for a courageous model and turn into heroes themselves. After all, Apollo was not only a gentle lover of the arts but also domineering to the extent that he was cruel to those who challenged his supremacy among ordinary mortals (Ingfei, 2002, p. 9; â€Å"Apollo†). What is more, he was intelligent and handsome enough to be taken as a model by the ancient Greeks. With the sun as his special symbol, Apollo did not only show physical courage but was also a supporter of intellectual pursuits (Leadbetter, 2004; Regula, 2009). He was known as the god of poetry, medicine, and intellectually enquiry to boot (Leadbetter). In other words, he was next to perfect. Athena Parthenos, too, was considered immaculate in ancient Greece. The Parthenon is a classical temple dedicated to the woman, considered the goddess of wisdom (See Appendix II). The temple was built between 447 – 432 B. C. on the Acropolis, which is in the capital city of ancient Greece, Athens. It has survived despite severe damage over the centuries (â€Å"Art,† 2008). Perikles, the famous politician of Athens, had championed the construction of the Parthenon (â€Å"The Parthenon†). Some of the architectural features of the temple have been described thus: †¦[R]ectangular floor plan with a series of low steps on every side, and a colonnade (8 x 17) of Doric columns extending around the periphery of the entire structure. Each entrance has an additional six columns in front of it. The larger of the two interior rooms, the naos, housed the cult statue. The smaller room (the opisthodomos) was used as a treasury. (â€Å"The Parthenon†) The temple was constructed with marble, and mainly represented the Doric order with features of the Ionic order incorporated in its sculptural program (Kerr, 1995). The Doric order gave Parthenon its series of ninety two metopes (with panels of sculptured reliefs depicting law and order and struggle); and triglyphs on its entablature. Additionally, the Doric order made the temple a peripteral, simple-looking structure with short and thick columns (â€Å"The Parthenon†). The â€Å"continuous sculpted frieze† of the Parthenon represents the Ionic order, however (â€Å"The Parthenon†). There are four tall and slim columns of the temple, too, that represent this architectural order which happens to support the opisthodomos’ roof at the Parthenon. The capitals or the columns’ tops that are built using the Ionic order have volutes, which are the names of the curlicues special to this order (â€Å"The Parthenon†). Above the metopes and triglyphs of the temple lie the pedimental sculptures, one of which shows the birth of Zeus – yet another god for the ancient Greeks (â€Å"The Parthenon†). The frieze of the temple, running â€Å"around the upper edge of the temple wall† and inside from the metopes and the triglyphs shows day to day life in ancient Greece, the rituals of the Greeks, processions, musicians, gods and goddesses, and much more (â€Å"The Parthenon†). Indeed, the place of the frieze in the sculptural program of the temple is unique, seeing as it does not only portray real life and beliefs of the ancient Greeks, but also gives the Parthenon a central place in the life of Athens. The temple was, after all, a place where religious festivals as well as sacrifices were held. Moreover, this temple gave Athena Parthenos a special place to stay for the protection and welfare of the Athenians (â€Å"The Parthenon: Religion, Art, and Politics†). Whether or not the ancient Greeks would consider it Athena Parthenos’ blessing that took ancient Greek art styles to faraway lands, the fact is that even the ancient art of the Nabataeans and the Arabs experienced the influence of Greek artists. Vries Osinga (2005) state that â€Å"[t]he Nabataeans at their height spread as far north as Damascus, to the coast of the Mediterranean at Gaza in the east and to Madain Salih in the south. † But, the Nabataean kingdom came under Roman rule in the year 106 A. D. It became an Arabian province at the time (Vries Osinga). The Nabataeans were caravan drivers on a large scale. Roman traders visited Petra even before the Nabataean kingdom was taken over by the Romans. These traders came to conclude transportation agreements with the Nabataeans. The latter traveled around the world with merchandise – â€Å"between the Red Sea and the Nile, and sometimes as far away as the Delta† (Sartre, Porter, Rawlings, 2005, p. 268). Unsurprisingly, therefore, their temples expose a variety of influences on the hearts and minds of the Nabataeans (Vries Osinga). Vries Osinga write: The many structures are so diverse that it is difficult to categorize them, at least without oversimplifying or overlooking what may be important details. Philip Hammond, who excavated the Temple of the Winged Lions, concludes that it might be more faithful to the diversity of the temples to see them not as derivatives of Iranian temples, Roman temples or other, but to recognize the borrowing of constructional and decorative technique and to concentrate on why each was unique. (Vries Oringa) Sartre, Porter Rawlings write that Nabataeans were so influenced by Greek art – following the Roman invasion – that they spread that influence in many parts of Arabia. Nude heroes of the Greeks have been found in Arabia and believed to have been conveyed there by the Nabataeans (Sartre, Porter Rawlings, p. 269). However, Vries Oringa have uncovered Egyptian influence in the temples of Nabataeans to boot. Describing one of the most significant temples left by the Nabataeans, the authors state: [T]he Wadi Rum temple took its layout from Egyptian models, specifically the Egyptian Temple Dayr Chelouit. The only reference to the Roman world would be columns of the Wadi Rum Temple. Dharih might also be kin to the Egyptian Temple of Coptos, while the Qasr al-Bint and the Temple of the Winged Lions find construction parallels there also (Vries Oringa). Then again, Greek and/or Roman influence seems to be most profound. Although temple plans of the Nabataeans do not appear typically Roman, decoration outside of the temples may be recognized as distinctly Roman and/or Hellenistic. As an example, the external decoration of Khasneh makes it appear as though it was built in Alexandria (Vries Oringa). Even so, Vries Oringa believe that the Nabataeans did not simply copy the designs that were handed down to them by Romans. Instead, they took influence in their stride, sometimes appropriating â€Å"the general structure,† but modifying and adapting it as time went on (Vries Oringa). In other words, they were open to influence, but also believed in maintaining their local traditions. Taylor (2001) agrees with this view. In her book, Petra and the Lost Kingdom of the Nabataeans, she explains that the Nabataeans did not make copies as slaves would. Rather, Greek ideas were amazingly transformed by the Nabataeans into works of art keeping â€Å"a distinctively Nabataean flavor† (Taylor, p. 92). No wonder, Petra remains as an incomparable feast for the eyes for all lovers of art. Vries Oringa write that the art of Nabataeans, in particular the sculptures they made, also changed from era to era; that is, even before the Romans came to rule the Nabataean kingdom, the Nabataeans went on altering their artistic style (Vries Oringa). Perhaps their visits to foreign lands brought such changes to the art of the kingdom. But, once the Romans had arrived on the scene, the Nabataeans did not only borrow the artistic styles of the Greeks but also others’. The sculptures of deities in Tannur, for example, appear both Hellenistic and Oriental. The Nabataeans also seem to have been influenced by the Syrian artistic style, as revealed through sculptures at both Dharih and Tannur (Vries Oringa). Although Hellenistic artistic style â€Å"of classical proportions† is most often cited as an influence on Nabataean art, there were plenty of sculptures made by the Nabataeans that did not appear Greek at all even though they were made while the Nabataeans were living under Roman rule (Vries Oringa). Vries Oringa cite â€Å"the simple standing block† as an example of such artwork. The fact that the Nabataeans maintained their local flavor in their artistic style shows that these people did not wholly lose their cultural identity at the time. Even the Romans may have delighted in the diversity revealed through Nabataean art, simply because the Nabataeans mingled with many peoples at the time. What is more, the adaptation of Greek art to new cultures must have been viewed as a triumph of ancient Greek artistic styles. After all, ancient Greek art continues to be celebrated around the world to this day. References Apollo. Retrieved Feb 27, 2009, from http://felc. gdufs. edu. cn/jth/myth/Greek%20Online/5Apollo. htm. Art. (2008). Ancient Greece. Retrieved Feb 27, 2009, from http://www. ancientgreece. com/s/Art/. Culture. Retrieved Feb 27, 2009, from http://www. crystalinks. com/greekculture. html. Harris, W. Euhemerus. Retrieved Feb 27, 2009, from http://community. middlebury. edu/~harris/SubIndex/greekmyth. html. Ingfei, C. (2002, Aug 2). The Sun also Heals; Some believe. International Herald Tribune. Kerr, M. (1995, Oct 23). The Sole Witness: The Periclean Parthenon. Retrieved Feb 27, 2009, from http://people. reed. edu/~mkerr/papers/Parth95. html. Leadbetter, R. (2004, Jan 31). Apollo. Encyclopedia Mythica. Retrieved Feb 27, 2009, from http://www. pantheon. org/articles/a/apollo. html. Sartre, M. , Porter, C. , Rawlings, E. (2005). The Middle East under Rome. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Taylor, J. (2001). Petra and the Lost Kingdom of the Nabataeans. London: I. B. Tauris. Timeline of Ancient Greece. Retrieved Feb 27, 2009, from http://www. aspasiaproject. com/timeline. htm. The Parthenon. Retrieved Feb 27, 2009, from http://academic. reed. edu/humanities/110Tech/Parthenon. html. The Parthenon: Religion, Art, and Politics. Retrieved Feb 27, 2009, from http://employees. oneonta. edu/farberas/arth/ARTH200/politics/parthenon. html. Torso of Apollo. (2000). The Detroit Institute of Arts. Retrieved Feb 27, 2009, from http://www. cartage. org. lb/en/themes/arts/scultpureplastic/SculptureHistory/GloriousScul

Saturday, October 26, 2019

OLD GRINGO :: essays research papers

the editor of the Journal mentioned above, Dr. Earl H. Elam, made a systematic search of records in the Presidio County courthouse and found no trace of anyone with a name resembling Bierce having died there during that period. Importantly, Elam also spent a lengthy period in the military records at the National Archives in Washington, D. C. during 1989. While there he located and recovered reams of documentation concerning military activities on both sides of the Big Bend of the Rio Grande border during the Mexican revolution, but he found no trace of Ambrose Bierce having died at Marfa, or anywhere else for that matter. Nevertheless, Bierce probably did see Marfa, Texas, one time. It was from a train coach window as he passed through on his way to El Paso during November. Certainly, he never returned. The most rational explanation for the disappearance of Bierce is that he came north with Villa, arrived near Ojinaga on January 9, and was either slain during the battle on January 10 or that he died of natural causes sometime during that entire time frame. There is even a small piece of information that tends to prove this proposition: after the revolution several groups of investigators went into Mexico looking for Bierce. One method they used in their research was to interview former villistas who were known to have been at Chihuahua and then at Ojinaga during the same time that Bierce was believed to have been there. One officer, a man reportedly named Ybarra, when shown a photograph of Bierce, said that he had indeed seen him at Ojinaga but that after the assault on the federal garrison (which assault we do not know) he never saw him again. So, it is most reasonable to conclude that Ambrose Bierce died at Ojinaga. Many of the dead at Ojinaga were buried in trench graves. Many others however, were interlaced with dry wood, mostly vigas and wooden planks that had been taken from the wrecked structures in Ojinaga, then doused with kerosene and set afire on the plaza de armas in front of the Nuestra Padre de Jesà ºs church. So, was Bierce’s body burned to ashes, or was he buried in an unmarked grave? It is doubtful that anyone will ever know. Doubtful I said, not certain. For tantalizing clues are occasionally brought to light. There is, for example, that piece of information concerning the execution of an old American journalist by huertista soldiers in an old mining village of northern Zacatecas.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Prostitution Should be Illegal Essay -- social issues

Prostitution Should be Illegal Prostitution should be cleaned off our streets. It first started in the early 1800’s. Prostitution is defined as providing sexual service, for the return of money. Exchange of money for sexual service. Heterosexual prostitution is the most common. Homosexual, gays and lesbians exists on smaller scales. Prostitution is a hazardous business. People selling themselves are at high risk. The women more then men. Both men and women are at risk in getting disease that has no cure. Prostitution all together should be stopped and put an end to. Prostitution takes place in many different places. Massage parlors, call-girl and call-men (also know as escort services), street prostitution, strip clubs, etc. It was believed that the most population in 1800’s was migrants. These migrants were mostly single men, husbands who left tem who left temporarily left their wives and children at home. Massage parlors were located close to railway stations. Prostitution increased during world war one when hardly and employment during world war one when hardly any employment for women was offered and it decreased during world war two for grater economic opportunities for lower-class women in war related industrials. 50% of the women in Toronto work for themselves. Street prostitution is the most visible form of prostitution that receives the most attention. Prostitutions needed the money not only to support themselves but to support but to support there family’s....

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Ives True March Structure: Polytonality and Polyrhythm in His Music

Ives structure doesn’t really use the true march structure. It has more of a five part sectional that brings back the opening march. Ives uses polytonality and polyrhythm for his music to make it seem like you are in the picture. This adds more energy and power to his pieces. One of the major achievements of the 20th century. He uses quarter tones that fiddlers play off beat. He is familiar with it and compares it to everyday American Life. He uses other music from other pieces and in his Country Band March is nothing but chaos which is done on purpose. 2. â€Å"Appalachian Spring† brings a quintessential sound. He makes his music very lively and colorful. Even though his music is very live and colorful, it has a soft side to it as well. He paints a beautiful picture with his music and fits with the choreography of the song. 3. The 3 early 20th century musical forms that were American originals were Hip-Hop, Jazz, and Pop. All 3 continued to grow throughout the 20th century. Hip-Hop is black urban art forms that emerged in NYC in the 70s. It encompasses rap, break dancing, and graffiti. Pop music is derived from rock and roll music. And Jazz was created by the African Americans and blended elements drawn from African music with the popular and art traditions of the West. 4. The movie I watched was the Little Mermaid. The music is an integral part of the movie. Since the movie is about an underwater kingdom, the main song in the movie is â€Å"Under the Sea. † There were other songs in the movie that helped make the movie a lot more entertaining to watch. There are parts in the movie where all the creatures dance to songs. I think that Disney movies are like this and that music is a crucial part of all their movies. 5. I think that the practices of sampling is the same as borrowing as long as permission and credit are given. Otherwise it would be considered plagiarism. From my own occurrences, there have been people that I know that borrow samples of songs to use it a remix that they make. If its for a non profit use then permission has to be given. 6. Musique concrete began in France and electronische Musik began in Germany. Musique concrete mainly focused on natural sounds recorded on magnetic tapes. Eletronische Musik created compositions using electronically generated sounds. Digital technology was the evolutions of these approaches in the 1970s with the invention of Fm synthesis.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Finding Musicality in Your Writing

Finding Musicality in Your Writing Every time you put pen to paper or fingers to the keyboard, you are delivering an image to the world. Its an image of who you are and, more importantly, how you communicate. If you want to stand out in written communication, you need to take another important step. You need to add musicality to your writing.What is musicality in writing anyway? Is it special words or phrasing? Is it rhythm or a particular beat? Is it a special combination of sentences? Is it the varied patterns of your words? Its all of these and more. Musicality is your communication brand- who you are as a writer. Musicality is your unique image, but its an image that appears in print instead of as a picture or an item you buy. So, how do you find it?Producing musicality in writing is similar in many ways to what a composer, a painter, a software programmer, or a designer does. It is seeking out and recognizing the unique sound patterns that you alone can produce on paper. That pattern is based on the words you cho ose and how you combine them to create your personal writing melody.Every piece of writing has a rhythm and its own particular beat. If youve ever read a passage in a letter or a research paper, a proposal or brochure, or a novel that you found really stayed with you, youve probably experienced musicality. To explain what happens a bit more precisely, think of attitude. Everything we write has its own special attitude. That attitude is the soul of the writing. A writer wants to communicate some part of himself or herself to an audience. Most writers spend a lot of time seeking the right attitude for a piece of writing. There are different attitudes of course for different audiences and different genres of writing, but the goal is always to express that one best attitude in every piece you write, Musicality must have attitude.To understand attitude better, think of the following scenario. Think of yourself as being in a crowded room and wanting to be heard over the noise. You want pe ople to hear what you will say because what you have to say is important. You climb on a chair and start to speak, but you dont yell. You whisper. Everyone looks at you high on that chair and becomes silent. You have them. If as a writer, you create an attitude that works, the readers in the back of your creative room will hear you just as clearly. You will drop a pin in that crowded room, and your readers will be suddenly silent because your pin is a huge diamond. Thats the kind of silence you want in writing. Attitude comes from musicality.To use another analogy, think about the theme of your favorite movie, and then think what that movie would be like if the movie theme were missing and there was only silence as the action scenes raced across the screen. Can you imagine Superman, Star Wars, or Jurassic Park without their musical scores, without their repeating themes? Musicality in writing produces a similar background for your writing. Musicality offers the same flow of scene, emotionality, and direct focus that great movies themes give to great films. Musicality is the rhythm of syllables becoming words, the flow of phrasing that becomes fascinating, and memorable repetitive patterns, or even jolting change that stops you cold. Its that unique sound that comes from hearing just the right word combined in just the right turn of phrase to communicate just the right idea at the right moment.Musicality in writing is a bit like a lyrical song or the repetitive beat in great jazz. It is a pattern you create to communicate an idea. It grabs your attention, holds you in its grasp, and replays in your memory long after the song is ended or the music stops. All of us can remember a special line from a song we loved or a bar of music we hummed. It replays in our heads over and over for hours as we go on with our daily lives. Musicality in writing is the same special combination of sound. Word juxtaposition, phrasing rhythm, and tonal sounds all produce a totality t hat becomes magical. If you can find such magic in your writing, whatever the goal for your piece, youll have in hand a unique communication that creates an unbroken bond with your reader. That bond can be to a sales letter, a brochure, a statement of purpose, a recommendation letter, a technical explanation, or a scientific abstract – it doesnt matter the purpose or the genre or the length. The concept is the same. Once you place your personal style of musicality on a piece of writing, that piece will engage your reader, excite the senses, and be remembered. It will also influence, and its ideas will be handed on to others.Rhythm is a pattern like those you hear in jazz as in Dave Brubecks famous Take Five. That piece has a wonderful precise theme that keeps repeating and reappearing in different arrangements. You remember it. Ive always wanted to write as well as George Gershwin wrote music. Listen to Rhapsody in Blue or An American in Paris sometime, and youll understand m usicality. Gershwin delivered an emotion in those pieces that we still can feel today, and he did it with tone and rhythm and musical themes.Musicality is a chosen pattern of words you consciously place in your writing. It lets words move in concert across the page. It can be syllables, or alliteration or use of metaphor or a simile, or a pattern of sounds that you determine is a crazy pattern for your piece. It is a pattern that continues on and joins with itself and is only interrupted when you want it to do so for a specific purpose. When you read aloud a piece that has musicality, it moves easily with highs and lows, and the sounds of the syllables blending naturally to communicate a precise sound you can physically hear, a sound that hopefully matches the theme.As you write, listen carefully to the words and phrases, and sentences you create. Listen for the unique meter or rhythm of your words as your ideas develop and become sentences and then paragraphs. Listen for natural so und breaks too. They will tell you where the idea breaks occur. Listen to your introductory words and notice where you placed them and how the musicality and meaning changed when you changed the placement of certain words. Notice where the rhythm and the flow changes, and ask yourself, Is this what I want right now?You might call musicality the heartbeat of a piece of writing. The heart has its own beat that we all can hear when were quiet – ba- dum, ba-dum, ba-dum. Poems have their own heartbeat too. Its called meter. It can be iambic pentameter or singsong, or one of many combinations with different weights for different syllables. Everyday speech has its own rhythm and sound. Listen to people talk when youre at the mall or in a restaurant. That is musicality. Different languages have their own musicality, and all cultures have their own.If you listen to your thoughts as you write them and then listen to the actual sound they make as you edit and revise, youll develop your own brand of musicality. You will conduct an orchestra of ideas. Eventually, youll learn to recognize when your writing is off-key and learn how to rearrange the sounds and rhythms and louds and softs to bring your writing back in tune again. Youll really hear your writing. If you listen well, you will write well and better.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Heat Electric called Creature Comforts Essays

Heat Electric called Creature Comforts Essays Heat Electric called Creature Comforts Essay Heat Electric called Creature Comforts Essay The boy doesnt actually speak, however there is a deep, male voiceover, which gives the idea that the advert is a memory from the good old days. The voiceover is a strong rural, possibly Yorkshire, accent. His dialect is emphasised by his use of ellipsis, which can be illustrated when he says, Bakers have kettle on in which he misses out words and shortens endings. This contrasts with the marked R.P., which was heard in the advert from the 1950s. Another aspect of the advert, which gives the product a sense of tradition, is the colour. The colour isnt vibrant or bright but ordinary colours, which are linked with the Victorian times or in old photographs. There arent a wide variety of colours, mainly just browns and dull colours. The texture is soft focused giving it a blurred effect, which associates the events in the advert with a memory, which links with the voiceover. Memories are often not clear which makes the advert seem like a moving painting. Also, the colours give the idea of either early morning or late evening as the blurred effect makes it seem misty and the light is at a low, oblique angle, which conveys this impression. The mood, although the music does not imply this seems quite positive, whenever the boy is on the screen he seems to be smiling. Also, innocence is emphasised because the boy is quite small however his bike and the basket is obviously too big for him. This stresses that viewers must buy bread for their children to help them grow and be strong. It gives the idea that even though bread is quite old fashioned it is still needed. The first scene is the boy, dressed in brown clothes made from traditional materials, trying hard to cycle up the hill. It is a long shot establishing the traditional cobbled street. The light is low so it illuminates the boy. This hints at his angelic purity. The bike shows the low-tech transport of the olden days, which emphasises simplicity and purity, as bikes dont pollute the atmosphere. It also builds up a picture of a healthy outdoor lifestyle, as you need energy to ride a bike. The boy delivers the bread and as he hands it over a ray of light shines on it showing the bread as some sort of holy substance. The advert then fades into the boys journey home.  After this, superimposed lettering reads As good for you today as its always been, which again shows the idea of healthiness and tradition.  The second of the adverts begins with a medium shot which cuts to a long shot of the boy rowing across a lake in a little boat. Again, the idea of simple transport is shown to emphasise the purity and tradition of the product. The low lighting is mellow and soothing. The row of whitewashed houses which are shown look old and seem like they would be found in a countryside. This gives the idea of a traditional and conventional village.  The voiceover this time is a Geordie accent. The different accents make the advert more personal and realistic as no one in general really speaks in R.P. It also gives links to real people rather than just characters.  Again, the light illuminates the loaf of Hovis and the advert ends with a close up of the boy smiling before the bold writing takes over the screen reading Hovis, as good for you today as its always been. The third of the adverts begins with a long shot and also a long take. The little boy in the distance is getting closer. His littleness is emphasised by the large bench and milk churns in the foreground. This time the boy is a lot younger and more cute than the in the other two Hovis adverts. He also needs two attempts to jump up to sit on the bench, which makes him seem really sweet and innocent. His clothes are baggy and the hat he is wearing is obviously far too big. He would evoke feelings of tenderness in the target audience. In all three of the Hovis adverts the main characters are male. This is because in the days in which the adverts are set only the men worked as women were expected to stay at home and look after the children. The advert is saying to the women buy this for your boys so they will grow strong. Also, the adverts would not have the same effect if the main character was a girl. This is because traditionally girls are supposed to be petite and ladylike rather than growing strong, because they eat bread, to do hard work and earn money. The camera then cuts to a close-up of the lunch box. It is slightly mis-representative as the product shown looks homemade and the slices are thick and rough, whereas the loaf actually comes pre-sliced. The idea of a homemade loaf makes the audience thing of the smell and taste of fresh, warm bread.  There is then a close-up of the boy, which fills the screen. He is smiling and there is a light in his eyes. The boy is freckled, which shows an outdoor lifestyle, and hes happy.  Again, the narration is done by voiceover, again Yorkshire. None of the characters in the Hovis adverts speak directly, which creates a sense of a memory of the idyllic past. The camera cuts to a postman who asks the boy not to run away. Then the boy jumps down and walks home with the postman. Walking is another simple form of transport linking to tradition.  Then, once again the product identification comes on the screen in writing As good for you today as its always been.  As time went on, advertising companies became more and more high-tech in their commercials. In the 1990s, an example of an advert would be the series of commercials by Heat Electric called Creature Comforts. They are animation adverts in which cartoon animals speak about their lives.  The adverts are in the style of Talking Heads, a documentary series, where the subjects talk about themselves. Also, they often tend to reveal more than they intend.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Spooky Scenes from Classic Literature

Spooky Scenes from Classic Literature If you need inspiration for this years Halloween reading selections, look no further than these eerie teases from classic literature.   â€Å"A Rose for Emily† (1930) by William Faulkner â€Å"Already we knew that there was one room in that region above stairs which no one had seen in forty years, and which would have to be forced. They waited until Miss Emily was decently in the ground before they opened it. The violence of breaking down the door seemed to fill this room with pervading dust. A thin, acrid pall as of the tomb seemed to lie everywhere upon this room decked and furnished as for a bridal: upon the valance curtains of faded rose color, upon the rose-shaded lights, upon the dressing table, upon the delicate array of crystal and the mans toilet things backed with tarnished silver, silver so tarnished that the monogram was obscured. Among them lay a collar and tie, as if they had just been removed, which, lifted, left upon the surface a pale crescent in the dust. Upon a chair hung the suit, carefully folded; beneath it the two mute shoes and the discarded socks.† â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart† (1843) by Edgar Allan Poe â€Å"It is impossible to say how first the idea entered my brain; but once conceived, it haunted me day and night. Object there was none. Passion there was none. I loved the old man. He had never wronged me. He had never given me insult. For his gold I had no desire. I think it was his eye! yes, it was this! He had the eye of a vulture a pale blue eye, with a film over it. Whenever it fell upon me, my blood ran cold; and so by degrees very gradually I made up my mind to take the life of the old man, and thus rid myself of the eye forever.† The Haunting of Hill House (1959) by Shirley Jackson â€Å"No live organism can continue for long to exist sanely under conditions of absolute reality; even larks and katydids are supposed, by some, to dream. Hill House, not sane, stood by itself against its hills, holding darkness within; it had stood so for eighty years and might stand for eighty more. Within, walls continued upright, bricks met neatly, floors were firm, and doors were sensibly shut; silence lay steadily against the wood and stone of Hill House, and whatever walked there, walked alone.† The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (1820) by Washington Irving On mounting a rising ground, which brought the figure of his fellow-traveller in relief against the sky, gigantic in height, and muffled in a cloak, Ichabod was horror-struck on perceiving that he was headless!but his horror was still more increased on observing that the head, which should have rested on his shoulders, was carried before him on the pommel of his saddle! (1898) by Henry James â€Å"It was as if, while I took in – what I did take in – all the rest of the scene had been stricken with death. I can hear again, as I write, the intense hush in which the sounds of evening dropped. The rooks stopped cawing in the golden sky, and the friendly hour lost, for the minute, all its voice. But there was no other change in nature, unless indeed it were a change that I saw with a stranger sharpness. The gold was still in the sky, the clearness in the air, and the man who looked at me over the battlements was as definite as a picture in a frame. Thats how I thought, with extraordinary quickness, of each person that he might have been and that he was not. We were confronted across our distance quite long enough for me to ask myself with intensity who then he was and to feel, as an effect of my inability to say, a wonder that in a few instants more became intense.† (1838) by Edgar Allan Poe â€Å"A sullen darkness now hovered above us- but from out the milky depths of the ocean a luminous glare arose, and stole up along the bulwarks of the boat. We were nearly overwhelmed by the white ashy shower which settled upon us and upon the canoe, but melted into the water as it fell. The summit of the cataract was utterly lost in the dimness and the distance. Yet we were evidently approaching it with a hideous velocity. At intervals there were visible in it wide, yawning, but momentary rents, and from out these rents, within which was a chaos of flitting and indistinct images, there came rushing and mighty, but soundless winds, tearing up the enkindled ocean in their course.†

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Nurses work with depressed patients almost daily Research Paper

Nurses work with depressed patients almost daily - Research Paper Example Depression has been broadly classified into the following groups; depression with catatonic and melancholic features, psychotic features, atypical depression, bipolar depression, dysthymia, recurrent and single episode and seasonal affective disorder. When patients present to the department and depression is suspected, a differential diagnosis should be made from neurological disorders, other psychiatric disturbances, endocrine pathologies, substance abuse related pathologies and inflammatory and infectious diseases. Depression is a key psychological condition that often accompanies the majority of all illnesses. A study that was carried out by Katon et al., discovered that depression was one of the most prevalent disorders in primary care with a prevalence of approximately 10% (Katon et al., 2010). However, some patients were found to be more susceptible to depression. These include patients suffering from chronic illnesses as they often lack optimism in the improvement of their hea lth. In addition, they also neglect the treatment regimes that have been prescribed for them by the doctors. Due to these factors, depression has been found to have an adverse effect on the current condition of the patient and his or her prognosis. This disease is also widely under diagnosed in patients and it has also been found to be inadequately treated. Precisely, research found that only 50% of patients suffering from depression in primary care are correctly diagnosed (Thoits, 2013). In addition, from these patients only 40% were properly treated and were able to fully recover within a 6 month period. In summation, patients suffering from depression possess a low mood which often leads to negligence and poor adherence to the prescribed treatment regime. Chronic illnesses are often incurable and therapeutic intervention is mainly to alleviate symptoms and improve the patient’s quality of life. Therefore, patients suffering from chronic diseases often possess the misconcep tion that their condition is incurable therefore, they are already approaching death and treatment is not going to largely benefit them or prolong their lifespan. Environmental factors such as family relationships also play a role in the development of depression in primary care patients. New York is one of the most diversely populated cities and has individuals from different parts of the world. It was determined by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene that approximately 430Â  000 individuals living in New York suffer from depression (Brown et al., 2013). Similar to the study mentioned above, only 50% of all individuals suffering from depression in New York are correctly diagnosed and three out of five of these individuals are not given the right treatment (Brown et al., 2013). Numerous medical practitioners have recommended that all patients should be screened for depression as this is pertinent illness that has a cure. The New York City Health and Nutrition Examination Survey has discovered that depression in New York has a larger effect on a certain demography. For example, in New York, women were found to have a greater predisposition to depression than men. They were found to be twice as much likely to suffer from the condition. In addition, age was also a determining factor in the rates of depression as the condition was more dominant among the younger population between the ages of 20 and 30 years old. The ratio between

Friday, October 18, 2019

Life on Other Worlds Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Life on Other Worlds - Annotated Bibliography Example What implications would it have on the search for extra-terrestrial life if many of these planets were found to exist? What kind of Life? – Although people often talk about â€Å"life† on other worlds, in most cases they are not specific about the kind of life they mean. Usually, however, scholars mean microbial life and the regular public means intelligent life. Conflicting theories: Universe Size – If the universe is infinite, then life must exist elsewhere because an infinite space holds all possibilities. Conflicting theories: Religious perspective – The religious perspective in Western cultures is that the Universe was created for Man alone. Obviously, this has impacted some thinkers and scientists in their belief on intelligent extra-terrestrial life. Conflicting theories: Rare Earth Hypothesis – The Rare Earth hypothesis looks at the conditions not for microbial life, but for a race of intelligent beings with similar technology and cultural levels of achievement to our own. Conflicting theories: Drake Equation – The Drake equation is a mathematical formula used to calculate both the likelihood of extraterrestrials' existence and the likelihood of our being able to contact them. Conclusion – The concluding paragraph will summarize the points raised in previous paragraphs in a way that uses the information presented to support an argument about the search for extra-terrestrial life and the probability that it exists.

Enviroment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Enviroment - Essay Example FDA failed to give apt evidence to stop BPA from being employed in the making of baby bottles. It claimed that it was unsafe and may cause harm to the surroundings and the wellbeing of kids. It is found that the research conducted was based on studies paid by the plastics industry. A recent report conducted showed that there was a link amid exposure to BPA and resistance to chemotherapy treatment. Environmental fallacies include formal and informal fallacies. Even though, ecological researches are significant to epidemiology particularly in environmental and societal epidemiology, community health practitioners appear to be scared of ecological researches. It is a frequent exercise to presume the involvement of ecological fallacy and low-ranked legitimacy when evaluating an ecological research. Majority of epidemiologists have a preference to a special peculiar approach, even though the significance of a multilevel fundamental advance is broadly acknowledged (Idrovo, 332). Scientific urging and opinions are succeeded or misled by the scientific mode. Either the data backs a point or fails to support it. From time to time, individuals fail to have data to sustain and back up their point of view will  intentionally make use of logical fallacies in an endeavour to encourage individuals that their argument is acceptable. Fallacies can also be by a chance used when an individual makes a blunder convincing rhetoric for a sound

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Cleveland Clinic Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Cleveland Clinic - Case Study Example The weaknesses at Cleveland Clinic are all centered around communication. I would recommend the Clinic institute a program that can address all three weaknesses by enhancing the communication skills of the staff. Information and education should center on fully informing patients of not only procedures, but also options and prognosis. This would go hand in hand with addressing the problem of failing to respect patients preferences. Part of this may be due to a lack of sensitivity to the patient's perceptions of treatment. Both these issues are rooted in a failure to communicate fully. The Clinic also needs to be pro-active in obtaining permission to discuss the patient's medical situation with select family and friends. This will require additional training for the staff to promote a policy of communicating with families. A policy would need to be drawn up that specifies what information is appropriate to share and when it is deemed a positive step. The "Patients First" policy has been successful on an individual and anecdotal basis. This is reflected in their high score on patient comfort. However, they have not been successful at communication the program to the patients and the families. Cleveland Clinic needs to move the policy beyond patient comfort and involve the patient in the medical decisions and treatment. Cl 4. The CC included peer evaluation in the annual evaluation of physicians. Do you think peer evaluation should be used with the nursing and other professional staff, what about 360 degree evaluation Cleveland Clinic can benefit greatly from peer evaluations. This is especially true in the team environment that they work in. Nurses share similar duties and responsibilities within the team, and the other members work closely with the team. Because of this, the nurses have a greater knowledge of performance than most members of supervision or management do. The idea of a 360 degree evaluation would not be appropriate for Cleveland Clinic. Due to the specialized nature of the specialty clinics and the team approach, input from outside these circles would not be helpful and may be misinformed. Criticism, as well as praise, could be misplaced due to the halo effect or the proximity of other team members affecting the evaluation. 5. In the Ohio market the CC appeared to be vertically and horizontally integrated. Was that part of their success, and was this part of the failure of the

Racism and the African Condition in America Research Paper

Racism and the African Condition in America - Research Paper Example The African Americans, who during the early times of the American civil war were not part of the recognized American society, were used as sources of labor. As such, they were treated as no more than animals that provided labor for the benefit of the slave owners and drivers, who reaped the benefits of free labor and controlled how much output they wanted from the slaves. This was one of the highest levels of racism, where non-blacks would not work, and if they did, they would do the least amount of work. The above case was also demonstrated by the use of African Americans being used to take part in and complete tasks that were deemed degrading to the prestigious and elite white race. Due to this, African-Americans had their role in the society reserved as per predisposition that they were inferior to the whites, which allowed African-Americans to be used for heavy manual labor in the farms and plantations. Following their predisposition in society, they were referred to as Negroes a nd were entitled to all forms of slavery-affiliated activities concerning forced labor. This was by all means, against traditional convention found in ancient civilizations, in which slavery was not based on skin color, but rather on the superiority of character and ability of the person I question. This is because ancient slaves were often the spoils of war or people that were captured from wars and raids, but the African American slaves were only picked to work based on the color of their skins. The above was a blatant portrayal of racism that existed in the period prior to the American civil war from the time of their capture from their native homes in different parts of West Africa. In addition to slavery, due to the color of the skin African-Americans bore the title of slaves from as early as the 18th century. With this in mind, they did not hold any form of human dignity as they were viewed and perceived as being less than human, but better than animals considering that they u nderstood the directions given to them. Under the treatment as slaves, they did not enjoy equal rights with the rest of the human population in America, as they were not human to the American slave drivers and owners; a direct translation of this statement indicates that as slaves they lived under very dilapidated conditions with no necessities except those that sustain life. However, they had to work for the same food they fed on in spite of working on plantations and fields for hours on end. They were forced into sugar factories and tobacco farms, with no form of protective gear, as they were as disposable as the next animal of no value despite raking in plenty of fortunes for their owners. As such, no other races were involved in work as slaves except African-Americans who were denied their rights as individuals and humans through collective treatment and misconceptions of inferiority in a white-dominated continent or land of Americans.1 In addition, for African-Americans to be d enied their rights there must have been a form of recognition of them being humans in order to decide that they were not equal to the rest. Religiously from the moment that the African-Americans were allowed to practice their own religious practices, they were faced with numerous racial challenges.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Cleveland Clinic Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Cleveland Clinic - Case Study Example The weaknesses at Cleveland Clinic are all centered around communication. I would recommend the Clinic institute a program that can address all three weaknesses by enhancing the communication skills of the staff. Information and education should center on fully informing patients of not only procedures, but also options and prognosis. This would go hand in hand with addressing the problem of failing to respect patients preferences. Part of this may be due to a lack of sensitivity to the patient's perceptions of treatment. Both these issues are rooted in a failure to communicate fully. The Clinic also needs to be pro-active in obtaining permission to discuss the patient's medical situation with select family and friends. This will require additional training for the staff to promote a policy of communicating with families. A policy would need to be drawn up that specifies what information is appropriate to share and when it is deemed a positive step. The "Patients First" policy has been successful on an individual and anecdotal basis. This is reflected in their high score on patient comfort. However, they have not been successful at communication the program to the patients and the families. Cleveland Clinic needs to move the policy beyond patient comfort and involve the patient in the medical decisions and treatment. Cl 4. The CC included peer evaluation in the annual evaluation of physicians. Do you think peer evaluation should be used with the nursing and other professional staff, what about 360 degree evaluation Cleveland Clinic can benefit greatly from peer evaluations. This is especially true in the team environment that they work in. Nurses share similar duties and responsibilities within the team, and the other members work closely with the team. Because of this, the nurses have a greater knowledge of performance than most members of supervision or management do. The idea of a 360 degree evaluation would not be appropriate for Cleveland Clinic. Due to the specialized nature of the specialty clinics and the team approach, input from outside these circles would not be helpful and may be misinformed. Criticism, as well as praise, could be misplaced due to the halo effect or the proximity of other team members affecting the evaluation. 5. In the Ohio market the CC appeared to be vertically and horizontally integrated. Was that part of their success, and was this part of the failure of the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Structural Engineering-Tensegrity Simplex Structure Assignment

Structural Engineering-Tensegrity Simplex Structure - Assignment Example The concept of Tensegrity provides a high level of structural and geometrical efficiency and results in lightweight and modular structures. However, Tensegrity concept is still not part of the major design of stream structural wing because of various reasons. This paper therefore seeks to discuss Tensegrity, simplex structure. The paper will also detail how to find out the coordinates of the nodes, how to find out the angle of twist by simple geometry, how to find out the s/c ratio= 1.468, how to set up an actual model of prototype and the difficulties involved, as well as how the model deforms. Under this discussion, it is important to note that most of the bar to string configurations will not stay in equilibrium, and therefore if constructed they may possibly collapse to other shapes. Only the bar to string configuration in a stable equilibrium and pre-stressed will be referred to as Tensegrity structures. According to Skelton et al. (2001), Tensegrity is a class of structures that possess continuous tension characteristics, discontinuous compression. The authors assert that stability is an important aspect in Tensegrity. A system of Tensegrity may be established when discontinuous components of compression interact with tensile components and defines stability in space. Generally, Tensegrity is geometry of a system of materials in a stable equilibrium if the particles within the system of the materials return to geometry beginning from an initial position arbitrarily close to this particular geometry to infinity as time goes by. In order to find out the coordinates of the nodes and the angle of twists by a simple geometry and to determine the s/c ratio, the concepts of Tensegrity play a pivotal part. The following concepts are used: Pure tensile/compressive members: the structures of Tensegrity entail pure tension and compression members. The used tension elements are cables that

Capitalization of Gender in Edna Millays Essay Example for Free

Capitalization of Gender in Edna Millays Essay The sonnet has experienced many modifications and innovations throughout the ages. Edna St. Vincent Millay’s â€Å"I, Being Born a Woman and Distressed† and Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s â€Å"Sonnet 43†, both Petrarchan sonnets, have diversified and helped pave the way for future female poets. In order to address and capitalize on ideas of gender connected to sonnet form and content, Edna Millay and Elizabeth Browning both revolutionize the traditional male-dominated sonnet form as females, Browning expresses overly sentimental and passionate emotion through content and Millay contradicts the social norm of female sexuality as well through content. Millay and Browning revolt against the male-dominated sonnet. Popular among prominent male poets, the sonnet was deemed unworthy for females, as men were far more educated and capable of fulfilling its high standards and strict guidelines. Both poets proved common beliefs wrong by excelling in the sonnet form. They used the Petrarchan sonnet, playing close attention to rhyme scheme and using iambic pentameter. They even incorporated the Volta between the octave and sestet, while using the first three lines in the sestet to introduce the change in tone and the last three lines in the sestet to conclude, invariably identical to the traditional Italian sonnet. At a time where women did not even have the right to vote, Millay and Browning both struggled to find a place in poetry writing, especially the sonnet form in which their predecessors were all male. The literary cannon and the Romantic Era consisted of all male poets who directed the sonnets to their lovers in regard to express their profound appreciation. Love has been the preferred sonnet theme since the 1300’s when the sonnet was created and both, Millay and Browning, stuck with the same traditional concept of love and lust as their topic. Being one of the most popular, sought out forms of poetry, the sonnet was the perfect way for nineteenth-century women to get out into the limelight and start a feminist movement. Or possibly, women poets stumbled toward the sonnet form due to its oppressive rules of rhyme scheme, structural shifts, meter and syllable count, it provided them a ready-made metaphor, suggesting difficulties in communication. Extremely restrained, the sonnet form helped make inexpressibility apparent, it therefore presented women sonneteers with an irony that revealed their circumstances of restricted speech and forced silence. Female poets, who incorporated the strict sonnet form, at a time difficult for women to freely embark in the lyric tradition, did so only to promote gender variance. Elizabeth Browning uses exceedingly sentimental emotions in her â€Å"Sonnet 43†. She either does so for ridicule or freedom for women to express themselves. By the use of such diction she is using satire and mockery of overly melodramatic reactions and feelings of a typical woman. â€Å" With my lost saints! -I love thee with the breath,/ Smiles, tears, of all my life! (12-13)†, even with the usage of several exclamation marks, she creates emphasis on the over exaggeration. In her Sonnet 43, Browning proclaims the pleasure love brings and pleads for a complete surrender to love, which seems far too corny. Or perhaps, she is just being herself, demonstrating to fellow females to be confident and unafraid of articulating and communicating your feelings. Following the thematic convention of rhyme scheme and iambic pentameter, Browning either wants to represent stereotypical females with her portrayal of unrealistic sensations or she wants to prove that even a completely feminine sonnet can create attentiveness to gender difference. Edna Millay challenges the social standards of female sexuality. Millay’s poem explores a female-centred perspective which opposes the widespread male-dominated presumptions of women. It is indeed a very sexual poem, revealing her sexual attraction and intentions to a particular man. Female sexuality was silenced in those times and rarely did women speak so openly and fearlessly of personal matters. She created a new realm of subject matters to women authors and helped support a liberated approach to life. The style of her poetry is formal with typical meter and rhyme scheme. Critics have repeatedly pointed out her bizarre connection of conventional poetic forms and structures with completely unconventional ideas and expressions. We must recognize and appreciate Millay for revealing the love em and leave em tactic normally exercised by males. However, because of the poets reversed gender, this strategy seems more modern, harmless and considerably humorous. There is irony and originality in a female using such rebellious content, perhaps she is scrutinizing normal male intentions, as it is regularly the women who are hurt in the end because they long for a relationship while the men are only looking for sex. The form may receive validity of tradition while the content concurrently mocks tradition. With the help of this poem she gained a reputation of a free-spirited and revolutionary social figure whose work followed her commemoration of life. Edna Millays poem fights for sexual freedom originally claimed by men, it fights for equality of the double standard that exists, which inhibits female sexuality and encourages male sexuality. Writing as women has led them to run â€Å"counter to† their culture and â€Å"against the grain of time† to echo Pounds words. Edna St. Vincent Millays â€Å"I, Being Born a Woman and Distressed† and Elizabeth Barrett Brownings â€Å"Sonnet 43† redefine the standards of genre and gender norms. Millay and Browning both revolt against the regularly male sonnet form, they were attracted to its structural affinity to promote gender variance. Browning creates emphasis using ordinary female emotions, while Millay challenges normality of female sexuality. However at the same time there are distinct contrasts apparent, Brownings poetry has a feminine quality with such passion and sentimentality while Millays poetry has a masculine quality, as it resists sentimentality with her ability to look beyond the status quo and her completely opposite lifestyle of love affairs. However, both poets attempt to reconcile with convention while contributing to gender capitalization, hoping to establish diversification equally valid for females. Both are icons for womanhood, both are masters of the sonnet forms and both are nurturers of ambition, independence, outspokenness and flaunting sexuality.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Think Global, Act Local Agenda

Think Global, Act Local Agenda In this assignment, I will present my views on Think global, act local by giving different examples from different companies. Globalization means developing standardized products marketed world wide with a standardized marketing mix, Essence of mass marketing. Global localization means mixing standardization and adaptation/ customization in a way that minimizes costs while maximizing customer. Product adaptation means customer tests differ, inadequate customer purchasing power, Poor maintenance standards, Local labour costs, General level of technical skills and Product standardization these are the main factors of Think global, act local agenda. 2. Executive Summary :- As example if we see Honda company worlds largest motorcycle Company since 1948 by Soichiro Honda. It produces a broad variety of products ranging from scooters to sports car, and remains on the important edge by providing products of the highest quality that generate new values, at a reasonable price, for international customer satisfaction. In addition, the company also produces cleaner. In its aim to protect the environment, Honda has long-lasting their line up of mixture models, by hire of Japan and the United States of the FCX, which is fuel cell vehicle developed in -house, incorporating the companys inventive next-generation fuel cell stack. Honda increased its sales by introducing new models in the light truck sector in the China, United Status and Europe. Honda responding to the high requires of diesel-powered vehicles, and continues to make bigger and achieve remarkable development with the high profile of the Honda brand. As mentioned, Honda has a huge number of suppliers. Honda continually builds and maintains their relationship for the profit of the company and the consumers. This relationship also leads to supplier development, in terms of perceiving their work and in doing business with Honda. 3. Body Paragraphs :- 3.1 ) Resources Required for Globalisation : Excess capacity : Financial Physical Knowledge Resources 3.2 ) Concept of Think global, act local : There are lots of new things that company have to do to be stable in competitive global environment. People who works in company must be give confidence to become more practical and more globally oriented. Global purchaser must be met at their home local, to find out specific local needs. And the company must respond by adapting products to meet those local requirements. In present situation, markets are global, and the resources to serve those markets have to be global. The companies those are able to design globally for contracted local requirements will produce their growth and success. Presently, customer in different parts of the world doesnt want unfocused products, but rather, products that meet their basic needs. The vision of Honda includes Value Creation and sets them apart from other companies by following their beliefs. It aims to focus on the customer, being artistic, respecting fresh ideas and considerate that change is good. Hondas philosophy is different from other companies. It is based on the concept of the challenging spirit in the company chief. It intends to maintain an international viewpoint, in dedication to supplying products of the highest capability at a reasonable price for worldwide customer satisfaction. This goal of Honda is achieved by setting high expectations for its suppliers. This viewpoint is being perpetuated by evaluating the total cost of their product, improving its excellence by extensive research and cooperation and focusing on the needs of their customers. 3.2 ) Examples of Think global, act local : In March 2000 Douglas Daft, CEO of coca-cola, announced that the next big evolutionary step for the company would be going limited. Coca-Cola popular all over the world and became global company at a time when the market was challenging greater flexibility, responsiveness and local sensitivity. Coke is instituting a strategy of Think local, act global by putting bigger decision making in the hands of confined of local managers. MC Donalds corporation is the major chain of fast-food restaurant in the world. MC Donalds specializes in hamburgers, French fries, and soft drinks. MC Donalds is famed in 119 countries of the world. The method which used by MC Donalds in entering overseas market was Think global, act local describes the aim which MC Donalds follow in overseas countries. For example, in Germany, some MC Donalds outlets offer beer to adult customer. A Maggi noodle is a brand instant noodle pretend by nestle. The brand is popular in India, South Africa, Brazil, Nepal, New Zealand, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, Pakistan and the Philippines etc. It is also known as magi mee. Maggi noodles are part of the Maggie family. A Nestle brand produces immediate soups, stocks, and noodles with more than 15 flavours in stock. It is widely tasted well-liked is Original Maggie flavour. It is still one of the most extensively eaten flavours of Maggi. There are some other flavours like Chicken, Cheese, Ata, Rice, Masala and Tomato which are very accepted. In fact in India Maggi Noodles is recognized as a sort of products known as Instant noodles. Starbucks is a global company of coffee chain based in Seattle, Washington, United States. Starbucks is the biggest coffeehouse company in the world. There are 17,133 stores in 49 countries. Starbucks sells drip brewed coffee, espresso-based hot drinks, coffee beans, salads, hot and cold sandwiches, pastry, snacks, and items such as mugs and tumblers. From Starbucks beginning in later forms in Seattle as a local coffee bean roaster and retailer. The company grow rapidly. In the 1990s, Starbucks was opening a new store all over workday, a pace that continued into the 2000s. Starbucks has been a target of protests on issues such as fair-trade policies, labour, relation, ecological collision, political views, and anti-competitive practices. These are the different companies examples which followed Think global, act local strategy and by the time they become popular globally. These companies researched local cultures needs, test and they modify their product according them so these companies become popular world wide. There are so many companies in the market which follows this agenda and growing by the time. 3.3 ) Global Strategy : The company chooses to treat the different markets in the whole world as a single market, with the postulation that consumers in different countries are similar regardless of the geographical locator and the culture. Global strategy is a translation of the concept of standardization of marketing strategy across different markets around the world. But the culture differences between countries and the existence of country specific factors must not be ignored by the company. Hence, adaptation is still necessary for effective global. Therefore Think global, act local is suitable. A global strategy makes no distinction (that is, standardization) between domestic and foreign markets. The global marketing company treats all the target markets of the world on an equi-distance basis. This is a geocentric orientation. 3.4 ) Benefits Of Global Strategy : Use of the global strategy levers can achieve one or more of four major categories of potential globalisation benefits: Cost reductions Improved quality of products and programs Enhanced customer preference Increased competitive leverage 3.5 ) Localization : Localization is the procedure of adapting a product to a particular language, culture, and desired local look-and-feel. Ideally, a creation is developed so that localization is easy to achieve- for example, MC Donalds serves only non-vegetarian is available all over the world but still in India MC Donalds serves vegetarian. This is called localization. Internationalized manufactured goods are easier to localize. In localizing a product, in addition to natural language translation, such detail as time zones, money, national holidays, local colour sensitivities, product, gender roles, and geographic examples must all be considered. A productively localized service or product is one that appears to have been developed within the local culture. 3.6) Standardization : A marketing strategy that is standardized for use throughout the world by customers feedback and response. The strategy assumes that the behaviour of many consumers in the world has become very similar, so general positive things which is most likely attract the all customers they have to critical analyse and take care so that the demand of product will increase and thats the reason these days the every organization have its own research and development (RD) department so that after the customer feedback they will try to maintain the product standards and modify as per their suggestions and feedbacks. 3.7) Adaptation : The adaptation strategy is actually different components of their marketing strategies in foreign markets compared with their domestic markets and how such adaptation decisions influence the firms competitive positions and performance in global markets. It also helps to conceptualize that adaptation of a marketing-mix component is a determined process that is influenced by a firms pervious history of adaptation strategy, and they investigate the significance of that marketing-mix component to the firms success. The adaptation process helps also define a firms competitive advantage, which in turn affects its performance in the foreign market and globalization markets. This also increases the productivity and demand of the product. 3.8) The Four Drivers Of Global Marketing : Fall in tariffs (import taxes) and removal of non-tariff trade barrier (quota/maximum import quantity) encourage more exporters around the world to market their goods overseas. E.g. WTO ( World Trade Organization) encourages import and export trade among countries. Competition expands beyond national boundaries (within one country) to global competition as each exporting competition seeks a bigger market. Consumers needs across the globe have increasingly become more similar. For example, more consumers in Asia need Korean products like movies, TV shows, music videos, cars, food, etc Investment by a company in I.T. (Information Technology) to produce products is more economically viable for products that are marketed globally. It is simple too costly for a company to use expensive I.T. in production just to market the product in one country (domestic market) E.g. Producing the Hollywood movie Avatar that was a hot worldwide. 3.9) The Factors Which Competitive Strength : The application of latest technology. The contribution to total profit margin. The ability to effectively conduct market. The service quality of distribution channels. The quality of the product and related services. The extent to which the product fit the needs of customer. The positioning and image building of the products. 3.10) Factors Which Make a Potential Foreign Market : Favourable economic conditions. Promising market growth potential. Stable political situation. Total market size is sufficiently large. There is limited or no competition at present. Rules and regulations set by the local government are acceptable to the company. There is no strong barrier to entry in to the foreign market. 4. Conclusion :- In conclusion, I would like to conclude that the globalisation, based upon a multicultural mixture of diverse groups and social movements. It is reshaping the world. Public relation professionals need to prepare to work globally. Support globally and understand the big global picture. Globalisation renders extraneous traditional borders, boundaries and marketplace definitions for most businesses and non-profit. If the local markets getting better and better in operations that ultimately effect globally, so the general perspective from all the mentioned above examples like MC Donalds, Coca-cola, Maggie, Starbucks etc they work on Think global act local strategy which makes them a top rent in their respective categories like food, cold-drinks etc.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Free Essays - Immortality and the Epic of Gilgamesh :: Epic Gilgamesh essays

Immortality and the Epic of Gilgamesh Immortality - (a) the quality or state of being immortal. (b) never ending existence. Although that is the Webster definition of immortality, what is never-ending existence? That question has a different answer for everyone. Some people believe that never-ending existence happens by never physically dying, and others believe that immortality can be obtained through your children. I personally feel that your children cannot give you immortality nowadays because of all the influences outside of the home. What I mean by this is that children are not striving to be "chips of the old blocks" anymore. They spend more time with their friends, or watching, TV, or listening to music, not following their parents around. To become immortal, you must either live forever, which is not very likely, or do something that is historically noteworthy like George Washington, or Abe Lincoln. Gilgamesh is an epic story about our hero Gilgamesh, and for a short time, his friend Enkidu. In the beginning Enkidu is one which animals; Later, however, he and Gilgamesh fight and become close friends. Together, they fought wars, and ruled the city. Eventually, the goddess of war asked Gilgamesh to marry her but he refused, making her very angry. She retaliates by sending the bull of heaven down to attack Gilgamesh and Enkidu. In the battle, they killed the bull, but Enkidu injured his hand; he eventually died from his wound. After Enkidu died, Gilgamesh went on a quest for immortality. Gilgamesh was trying to find immortality for both Enkidu and Himself. After gilgamesh got the "immortality" plant and scratched himself with it he was bathing and a snake ate the plant. As soon as that happened Gilgamesh started to cry. Since he had already used the plant on himself, it was evident that he still wanted the plant for Enkidu. Another example occurred during Gilgameshes conversation with the boatman.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Men At Forty The Aging Process :: Forty

Men At Forty  Ã‚   The Aging Process Men At Forty  Ã‚   If asked what is the most miraculous thing in the world, most people would say that birth is definitely in the top five.   But, does anyone ever say that getting older, or even dying, is anywhere close to being a miracle?   Though we don’t look at it that way, it actually is a miracle in its own right.   The whole process of living and breathing, knowing that the end will eventually come is mind-boggling.   People just go about every day as if nothing were happening to them. When in all regards, life is slowly being siphoned from their bodies.   With life, there is a continuous cycle that can never be prevented.   Donald Justice makes this realization of life, and the awaiting death, evident in his poem â€Å"Men At Forty† by using a superb combination of imagery, symbolism and tone.     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Through his use of imagery, Justice plugs the reader directly into the body of an aging man letting them experience the trials of growing old.   â€Å"At rest on a stair landing,/ They feel it† (5-6) projects an unmistakable picture into the reader’s mind of an older man taking a rest while climbing a flight of stairs.   This, in turn, greatly enhances the focus of the reader letting the poem burrow deep into the psyche and fashion a firm basis in the acceptance of age.   Justice also manifests an image of when the man stands and peers deep into a mirror how, â€Å"They rediscover/ The face of the boy as he practices tying/ His father’s tie there in secret† (9-11).   Throughout the poem, Justice paints the picture of aging.   But, he also gives reference to where the inevitable events of life will lead.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Though Justice’s use of imagery portrays a vivid picture, his use of symbolism about death strikes the reader even harder.   Right from the start Justice grips the reader with a reference to death by saying â€Å"Learn to close softly/ The doors to rooms they will not be/ Coming back to† (2-4).   This tells the reader that no matter what we are all human.   As the poem continues, aging is brought out to be the main idea but, in the last two stanzas, Justice once again shows us that death is coming;   â€Å"Something is filling them, something/ That is like the twilight sound/ Of the crickets, immense,† (16-18).

Friday, October 11, 2019

Anatomy of a Setup

Psychiatrc Technicians West Hills College Coalinga Psychiatric Technicians are mental health professionals that generally work under the direction of psychiatrists and registered nurses in state hospitals, correctional facilities, and developmental centers. They are trained in general/abnormal psychology and in pharmacology. They assist in the implementation of various options, including psychoanalytic, somatic, behavioral, humanistic and psychopharmaceutical treatments of mental illness.Psychiatric technicians are the front line in mental health care, implementing he treatment plans developed by psychiatrists or other mental health professionals. (Labor Market Info, Psychiatric Technicains In California, 2010) Psychiatric Technicians have many responsibilities, duties, and skills they obtain while on the Job. They provide hands on direct care to developmentally or emotionally disabled people, as well as suffering from psychosis and dementia.They are relied upon to report changes in patient mental or physical health, as well as problems, issues, or concerns with patient reactions to medications being used. They also consult with and counsel clients regarding the therapies and treatment options. Their Job often includes recordkeeping and monitoring of patients receiving medication, and they may be expected to keep up-to-date on safety issues with the medications used, changing practices regarding dosage requirements, and new medications being used in their field.Aside from the responsibilities that Psych Techs take on daily, they also posses many skills that are crutial to the Job. Some of which include basic nursing medication administration, documentation, and patient assessment. (Wikipedia, Psychiatric Technicians, 2013) Being able to handle tough situations, multitask fficiently and effectivley with none to minimal mistakes. Also respond and quickly think of the right calls and Judgments, is what separates average psych techs from the great ones.It's those t hat go above and beyond striving for more than the bare minimum that truly are the strong ones. People who see being a Psych Tech more than Just a paycheck and a Job, but as a lifelong career. Psychiatric Technicians salaries vary depending on many factors. Work location and experience can have an increase in salary, though the median wage in 2013 for Psych Techs in California is 53,338 annually, or $25. 65 hourly.Along with the annual salary they also receive benefit packages which include medical, dental, and vision insurance as well as retirement plans, vacation, holidays, and sick leave. Some employers may offer tuition reimbursement for education. (Labor Market Info, Psychiatric Technicains In Calitornia, 2010) Even though I consider myselt to be a confident person, I also teel I have certain flaws that can be a weakness in this career path I have chosen. I tend to put myself down and underestimate myself, but that can easily be fixed by urronding myself with positive people th at help motivate me.My kindness and thoughtfulness can sometimes be taken advantage of, but I feel I can filter out those who may take my actions for granted. Becoming a Psychiatric Technician has been my goal and dream. Getting accepted and being able to have a seat in the class is a complete honor to me. What most intrigues me about this career is the behavioral studies of the human mind and the emotionally/mentally disabled. I would love to be a psych tech the most because of the working enviorment they are put under. Also it is something new everyday.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Student Success Plan. Ccollege prep essay Essay

This personalized Student Success Plan will help you reflect on past positive accomplishments you have made as a student and obstacles you have faced and overcome in previous terms. Once you identify your current status, you will analyze what you want to accomplish and how you will get there. You will also see that you are not alone on your educational journey. Your instructor is committed to helping you succeed in addition to the many resources provided by Everest. By completing the information below, you are taking accountability and responsibility for your own success! The Student Success Plan is an effective tool that you should complete for each of your courses at the start of every term. Click in each box and type your responses. Student Information: Student’s Name Course and Section Number Program of Study Reflection on your past experiences as a student: Positive accomplishments in previous term(s) Obstacles faced in previous term(s) Ways you overcame the obstacles Analyze your strengths and motivations: Diagnostic questions: Responses to the questions: Your commitment and how you will apply it: What strengths or personal characteristics do you possess that will help you succeed as a college student? What is your biggest motivation for completing your college education? What is your ultimate goal as a college student? What is one goal you want to accomplish in this course? Analyze your current obstacles and how you plan to overcome them: Possible obstacles: Your answer and current status: Your commitment to overcome obstacles: Will college require you to alter your responsibilities and juggle other responsibilities in your life? What challenges do you face as a college student? What other obstacles do you think you may face this term? Analyze your needs as a student: Your needs: Your response: How do you want to see your instructor accomplish this? What type of assistance do you need from your instructor? What is the best method and day/time for your instructor to call you? Analyze, schedule, and plan your time: Your time: How many hours you will spend on each activity this term? How will you adjust your schedule this term to fit this in? How many hours per week are you going to spend doing things other than school? How many total hours per week are you going to be able to devote to your courses? Using the examples below, fill in the chart to plan out your weekly schedule throughout the entire term. Include all activities that require your time. This is a tool that you should complete and use on a weekly basis to effectively manage your time. Activity Time Needed to Complete Scheduled Day & Time to Complete Example: Work day 8 hours Monday – 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Example: Review Learning Activities for SLS 1105 2 hours Monday – 8:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The Americas Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Americas - Research Paper Example This essay compares the perspectives, issues, and the concerns of the Aztec and the Inca peoples, and with relation to their contacts with the Europeans. For a thorough comparison of the perspectives, issues and concerns of the Aztec and the Inca peoples, this essay will analyze five major issues thus: religion and rituals; structures, architecture or earthworks; agriculture trade and their reasons for decline. The paper will use historical methodology to do this comparison. The paper thus will analyze and interpret both primary and secondary sources. The online e-core material shall also be used to supplement the primary sources. The Aztecs was a group in Mexico that had around ten thousand members while they controlled an empire of more than 22 million people. They, however, had never developed a bureaucratic system as the Europeans. Andreas and Overfield (129) observe that the Aztecs political system allowed their kings to remain in power as long as the kings continued to send tribute. They held both religious and political power. The kings were seen as the representatives of the gods, and they also controlled the civil powers. The Aztec believed that a religion was a very important element in keeping the conquered peoples in control, especially the use of the sacrificial system. In 1519 with the arrival of theSpanish in the current day Mexico, with 11 ships, the capital city of the Aztec was Tenochtitlan (Sahagun and Anderson 128). The Inca, on their part, had a sophisticated bureaucracy, and they had incorporated the ideas into their culture to form a true and unique empire. Their empire consisted of bet ween nine to 12 million people. The Aztecs were led by emperors thought to have demigod powers, while the Inca were led by a supreme ruler, also seen as a god. Just like with the Aztecs ruler with absolute political and religious powers, the Incan ruler was an authoritarian ruler who controlled movement, marriage

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Violence in America Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Violence in America - Term Paper Example The aftermath of the ruling saw the United States suffer one of the bloodiest wars in world history – the Civil War. In less than ten years since the ruling was made, Congress together with the Northern states addressed the biases in the ruling. The biases were addressed through the amendment of the constitution and the civil rights statute. Through the 13th Amendment, slavery was abolished in all parts of the United States. The 14th Amendment and the Civil Rights Act of 1866 guaranteed citizenship for all qualified, natural-born, and naturalized Americans, inclusive of former slaves and free blacks. The civil rights statute, in addition, authorized the transfer of cases from state to federal courts in cases where citizens’ rights could not be enforced through state systems of justice. The 14th Amendment also prohibited states from infringing the rights enjoyed by American citizens, as well as, ensuring every citizen had the right to due process and equal protection of the law (Kaczorowski, 1987, p. 45). The Congressional Republicans held the view that the14th Amendment and Civil Rights Act of 1886 provided a good ground for revolutionary change in the constitution of the United States. ... The Fourteenth Amendment and the Civil Rights Statute that conferred citizenship on all Americans, and expanded its federally enforceable guarantees to include civil rights protection was surely a revolutionary twist in American federalism.1 Twain called on American leaders to settle down domestic issues and create a society that others could emulate instead of seizing or otherwise taking on new territories. He was particularly outraged by the occupation and ongoing war against the forces of liberation in the Philippines, reporting from Manila and comparing the nationalist leader Emiliano Aguinaldo to Joan of Arc and George Washington. Twain was also quite vitriolic about missionaries who justified imperialism as an extension of the religious duty. 2 Mark Twain did not subscribe to stereotypical attitude regarding the civil war. In his literature, Twain expresses that, traditionally, the southerners were thought to be very spirited towards fighting the Yankees and enslaving them, whi le the northerners were out to oppress the rebels while granting slaves their freedom. By then, slavery was still regarded as legal, a notion that he strongly opposed.3Following outlawing of slavery by the government, Twain still held the view that racism against the black was still evident in the society. He particularly viewed civil war as evil which ought to be eliminated from the society. 4 The radical change in constitutionalism saw the congressional Republicans developed a legal framework delegating Congress the authority to protect the status and civil rights of American citizens. The Republicans maintained that the national government was sovereign. Thus, the national government would work with state governments in protecting the status and rights of American

Monday, October 7, 2019

Political Corruption in Africa Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 10000 words

Political Corruption in Africa - Dissertation Example TABLES AND FIGURES Table 1 - Features of Qualitative and Quantitative Methods 7 Table 2 - Most Corrupt Nations 20 Table 3 - Index of Economic Freedom 25 FIGURE Figure 1 - World's Most and Least Corrupt Nations 18 Abstract Political corruption is a malaise that has infected governments since the Roman Empire as power corrupts. The damage inflicted by corrupt officials reflects on the believability of government, and impacts the populace, with the degree of the foregoing dependent upon the extent of corruption ingrained in its leadership and institutions. This study shall examine corruption, focusing on Africa, to determine if there are ways in which to stem the increasing wave of malpractice that has and is gripping our moral fiber. Through an investigation of political corruption, this examination shall seek to uncover its variations, forms, used and abuses, equating the conditions that foster its use, and th mechanisms to stem corruption in government. 1.0 Introduction In equating the subject matter of this study, political corruption lies at the core of this examination. The subject, political corruption, as described by Harris (2003, p. 1)" is a multifaceted and mutable concept, defiant of precise or comprehensive definition". In delving into the context, Lasswell (1958, p. 6) starts off the process by defining "politics as the art of who gets what, when, and how". When one considers the definition of corruption as "The act of the process of corrupting The state of being corrupt" (Houghton... According to the research findings the bounds of political corruption skirt bribery, certain forms of patronage, conflict of interest, extortion, nepotism, graft, embezzlement, and cronyism for their individual and or collective illegitimate gain. The preceding can and does give rise to a broad number of actions that facilitates the preceding as represented by the encouragement and or turning a blind eye to drug trafficking as well as money laundering and human trafficking. As the paper stresses corruption in some countries and regions of the world is so rampant that it is an expected by product of interaction, that is sometimes referred to a ‘kleptocracy’, which means, ‘rule by thieves’. The foregoing has been delved into in order to provide the understanding of the wide range of ramifications that encompass political corruption as an examination. As such, the Aim of this study is to examine the issues of political corruption from an international comparative perspective, focusing on Africa a region where the preceding is rife. The foregoing multiple Objectives are closely intertwined. The argument of this study seeks to examine the existing measures that are in sub-Saharan Africa to combat political corruption, and the extent to which these are effective and or ineffective and why such measures seem unlikely to become utilised as a result of the fact that the instruments for combating political corruption do not have correspo nding governance systems that have the abilities and or capabilities to monitor as well as implement such provisions.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

International Business (Globalization) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

International Business (Globalization) - Essay Example Nevertheless, it is significant not to run away by means of the plan that the kind of globalization we have been discussing also involves multinationals turnover, on a number of outsized scale, to translational: International businesses are at present largely restricted to their where they originated from, only if we consider their overall business operations and activity; they stay heavily nationally rooted and carry on to be multinational, to a certain extent than translational ,organizations . (Palmisano 2006) While full globalization in this organizational sense may not have occurred on a large scale, these large multinational corporations still have considerable economic and cultural power. Multinationals can impact upon communities in very diverse places. First, they look to establish or contract operations (production, service and sales) in countries and regions where they can exploit cheaper labour and resources. While this can mean additional wealth flowing into those communities, this form of globalization entails significant inequalities. It can moreover, it may lead to outsized scale job loss in especially for those whose industries were in the past located. The wages paid in the recent settings can be nominal, and workers privileges and conditions pitiable. For instance, a 1998 study of exceptional economic zones in China showed that manufacturers for organizations such as Ralph Lauren, Adidas and Nike were the ones paying low wages, to the extent of 13 cents per hour Second, multinationals continuously look new or else under-exploited markets. They look to increase sales - often by trying to create new needs among different target groups. One example here has been the activities of tobacco companies in southern countries. Another has been the development of the markets predominantly populated by children and young people. There is increasing evidence that this is having a deep

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Decision-Making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Decision-Making - Essay Example The soft information is defined as the information that is unverifiable and private. The private information is the one that is not available to the public and can only be sourced from the primary source of the information. Among the soft information real-time flow, real-time-accounting personal assets and debts, career history or family matters are only verifiable by the third party by quantifiable information or objective or by use of legal documents. Valid information can be accessed by the financial institution in a credible way but the unverifiable information can be transmitted in a credible way, and it requires some effort from the firms and the shareholder. The private information can hardly be transferred even within the firm. In the firm's lending decision to another small firm, the branch officials typically collect the required information for the decision to be made. After the collection of the relevant information, the decision is made by the decision-making authority. In cases like this, the firm's staff are not allowed to collect the information required for the decision-making. Thus, the hierarchical, allocated decision authorities are mandated to make the decision of the firm. The statistical evidence showed that the asset size of a financial institution is positively correlated with the soft information usage. The result is more contradicting as compared to the intuition that financial firms are less likely to apply to soft information and cast doubts on the empirical strategy.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Ethics of social media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Ethics of social media - Essay Example However, such responses from the veterans are subjected to continue rejections and challenges with time as the technology of the social networking is changing and facing new horizons. The main aspect of the use of this technology can be seen by the transformation of the communication process, but the social bonding is virtually ethical or not needs a constant reply. The bonding is in terms of friends, parents’ children bonding, and employer link to employee, coworker to other coworker, student and teacher, neighbors, buyer and sellers, doctor connections with patients and many others. The ethical conclusions on such networking technologies are not based on personal grounds. The interacting web service is complex in nature with connection to the online and offline world, the different motives of the developers and corporations comes out to be disputable and therefore, it is in the basic need of some strict philosophical and ethical balances for the future years of the networkin g world. Definition and history of social networking services: The phrase â€Å"social networking† has diverse meaning and concepts with no clear definition. As humans on earth are in constant reach of social networking by one way or the other since the time of the birth (Boyd 16). History has showed that humans developed several ways to came in contact with one another and in social interaction by many means and ways, thus, making the particular institutions and affiliated places like private or public clubs, lodge and church. Moreover, humans developed and invented tools for communication like telegram, telephone, postal services and others. So, when philosophers maintain the ethical balance for the social networking communication, they are of the means that what would be the ethical influence of the ambiguous social networking service, which is formed from the web 2.0 software standards. The same was evolved first in the beginning of the twenty first century. Before the ap pearance of web 2.0 standards, the internet based social networking was there for the last many years through computer operations. The first official networking was done through computer in 1970 in the U.S by the military ARPANET and after that it began to expand in order to provide facility to many newsgroups based on the internet use, mailing electronically, bulletin board system, multi user dungeons and other rooms dedicated for the chat purpose that were based on topics and social identities. The initial form of social networking communication evolves organically for the purpose of discovering medium for institutional, academic and commercial ranges. Therefore, web 2.0 standard were introduced in order to provide the users with collective, user formatted and sharing of internet based content and during this, the major purpose of the web 2.0 developers was commercialized and institutional based. They knew the potential of the internet based subsystem and worked to improved it fur ther. Particularly, the web 2.0 gave the platform to the users to make their online and offline presence- a latest practice that moved the internet communication from its general form that was based on anonymous discussions without concealing the true identities. The latest standard of interaction through internet was initiated by orkut, MySpace, LinkedIn, Friendster, habbo, bebo and facebook by revealing true identities. The next standard was based on sharing of intern